Sewing in my DNA, to the greatest delight of the little ones

À propos des Goglus

My oldest child was born with a deformity in one foot which meant that he had to wear orthotics for a large part of his baby's life. So I decided to take advantage of my dearest grandmother's teachings to modify his pajamas. 2014 was the year when grow with me pants became more and more popular. If I was able to hack into pajamas, I was surely able to make pants!

That's how I quietly started making clothes for my kids... always a little more clothes... and one day BOOM, they were now dressed only with clothes made by mom. Over the last few years, I have accumulated a lot of leftover fabric, which I have carefully saved for the day when I could use it.

Well, that day has arrived. I'm making baby clothes out of these leftovers and will give you the option to buy them - at a price that I feel is appropriate for the work involved in making them. These garments are of high quality and unique since the sizes do not allow me to produce them in large quantities.

In closing, I would like to point out that this page allows me to promote the results of my hobby. I am not a seamstress by trade, I am a marketing consultant and mom, and in my spare time, I sew :)